Rivers Edge Daycare Logo


Inspired by the Meeting Early Childhood Needs
education program, we share these principles:
Each child is unique. The educational activities respect your child's needs, interests and development rhythm. The child is the primary agent of his or her development. Your child's development depends on his or her abilities and motivations. The adult's role in this approach is that of a guide who supports the child in achieving autonomy. The child's development is a comprehensive and integrated process. The educational program addresses several dimensions: affective, physical and motor, social and moral, cognitive and language. The child learns through play. Play, the child's main activity in childcare, is also the basis of the educational intervention.
Collaboration between childcare service and parents is essential to the child's harmonious development. https://www.mfa.gouv.qc.ca/en/services-de-garde/rsg/programme-educatif/Pages/objectifs-et-principes.aspx

Playing IS learning!

Play is the language that children use in order to master all the skills they need to develop successfully. A child makes discoveries, solves problems, takes risks, experiments, and embraces the natural curiosity within themselves that will foster a sense of wonder and amazement with learning and not just accumulate facts and knowledge.

Our Groups

6 months - 18 months


18 months to 24 months

2 years - 3 years

3 years - 4 years

4 years - 5 years

When infants and toddlers stack blocks, they are exploring facets of balance, gravity, and patience. When 3 year olds play pretend in the kitchen, they are developing vocabulary and solving social problems like who gets to feed the baby and who prepares the food. When 4 year olds build with blocks, they are using an engineer’s thinking to determine how to make their structure stand tall. When children have the freedom to choose what to play with and how to play with it, they make connections between what they choose and the consequences that come with it. Encouraging imagination and creativity gives children the message that they have great ideas and that they are important!
In order to best implement these principles, the educators use an emergent, child-centered approach to programming. This is a modern philosophy embraced by early childhood educators worldwide. It involves allowing your child to take the lead in their own learning while being supported and guided by an educator who is in tune with what they need to succeed. Straying away from pre-set themes, the educators take careful observations of each child in their care and provide meaningful activities that both meet the child’s level of curiosity and challenge them to want to do and know more. Educators build around children’s interests encouraging them to discover, question, experiment, and create in order to make sense of the world around them. Learning becomes exciting and intentional at a time where children are just discovering how important their voice is.

Extracurricular activities:

Yoga with Miss Lara:

With +15 years working with kids, Miss Lara teaches mindfulness techniques for stress relief and emotional regulation. Yoga fosters concentration and self-confidence, while promoting social skills through group activities. Kids practicing yoga enjoy improved flexibility, strength, and balance.

Zumbini with Miss Aireen:

Children who practice Zumba experience fun-filled workouts that improve cardiovascular health and coordination. Zumba encourages self-expression through dance, boosting confidence and self-esteem. It fosters social interaction and teamwork, enhancing communication skills. With vibrant music and energetic movements, Zumba makes exercise enjoyable and promotes a positive attitude towards fitness.

Martial Arts with Sensei Meghan:

Kids practicing martial arts develop discipline, focus, and self-control while learning valuable self-defense skills. Martial arts instill confidence and resilience, empowering children to face challenges with courage

At River’s Edge Daycare, your child will REACH their potential, ENRICH their
world, and DREAM for tomorrow.
